Decades ago, A young bartender named Jack Franklyn decided that Downtown Fullerton would become home to his dream of a local, small town tavern. In 1990, Jack found the place to hang his hat …and his moose head… in the Villa Del Sol building on Wilshire Boulevard. At that time, only a handful of businesses and restaurants were open in the midst of a mostly boarded-up downtown area.
Jack named his new bar & grill "Heroes" in honor of his parents—the heroes in Jack's life! The name is also a testimony to those Jack felt were the real heroes: the everyday folks who had helped him build his dream, and to the hard-working parents who would bring their children through the door, share their experiences and add their character to the spirit of the place. In many ways, the Heroes patrons have become extended family members and the walls a giant photo album. The pictures that hang among the bits of "Americana" are placed there as keepsakes of special occasions, snap shots of good times and sometimes a memorial to loved ones. All making Heroes truly the place "Where Good Friends Meet."